Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Displaying Arrows in a report field


I need to display

1. >

2. up arrow

3. down arrow

for a field called Levels based on SCORE1 and SCORE2

I am planning on using IIF statements

but I need to Use WINGDINGS font for the arrow symbols

but how do i use it in value property of text box (start typing in arial then cannot swith to WINGDINGS)

THNXYou probably will not find a way to do two different fonts in the same textbox or table cell at the same time, however, I'm pretty sure I can help if you tell me how you want this to look. Where are the arrows in relation to your Score fields? When do you have Winddings? Which objects will have what fonts? Those are a couple questions that might help you get your question answered.|||

Another option is to use the embedded image. Upload the image and then you can use it within the IIF statement to display the appropriate image.



I have a report fields like below

Level current Level Previous Trend

4 3 has decreased

6 7 has increased

3 3 remains same

I need arrows to indicate the Trend field going UP ,Down and >>


Using MS Paint create three images -- Up(Up.JPG) , Down (Down.JPG), --> (Right.JPG)

Upload these three images as Embedded images into the report.

Now in the field of trend add one of these images. write the below code.


Now, depending on the trending difference appropriate image will be selected and displayed. Once you develop this you might have to slighlty play with the images and allignment to beautify the report. Hope this is clear and helps...



The above property needs to go in "Data" property of the field

Source= Embedded

Value= Above given condition

You can try this also:
Take a different text box for Trend column.write the below mentioned expression:
=IIf(Fields!LevelPrevious.Value < Fields!LevelCurrent.Value,6,iif(Fields!LevelPrevious.Value > Fields!LevelCurrent.Value,5,4))
And give the font style of that textbox as Wingding 3.
Then it will work the desired way.


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