Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Displaying 'ALL' - Multivalue Parameter

Now that the Select All feature is working, I need to be able to display the
text ALL when the end user checks select all (in a textbox that is designed
to show values chosen for the parameter). Is this possible?
I am able to do this when I add an all value to the drop down selection, but
that gives you a value of ALL and a value of Select All. I am certain that
this will confuse the end user.
We need to be able to turn the Select All off.
blesrptdevOn Mar 8, 2:02 pm, blesrptdev <>
> Now that the Select All feature is working, I need to be able to display the
> text ALL when the end user checks select all (in a textbox that is designed
> to show values chosen for the parameter). Is this possible?
> I am able to do this when I add an all value to the drop down selection, but
> that gives you a value of ALL and a value of Select All. I am certain that
> this will confuse the end user.
> We need to be able to turn the Select All off.
> Thanks!
> --
> blesrptdev
I don't believe that turning 'Select All' off is possible; however,
you can either take a count of the options selected by the user and
compare it to the total possible options in the query and return a
separate field to the report showing that 'Select All' was selected.
Or if you know that the total options will not exceed a certain
quantity, you could use something like the following:
=iif(Parameters!ParameterName.Count > 20, "Select All",
Where 20, in this example, is the maximum number of options to select
in the drop-down list box. Sorry I could not be of more assistance.
Enrique Martinez
Sr. SQL Server Developer|||Thanks Enrique! This creatively worked.
"EMartinez" wrote:
> On Mar 8, 2:02 pm, blesrptdev <>
> wrote:
> > Now that the Select All feature is working, I need to be able to display the
> > text ALL when the end user checks select all (in a textbox that is designed
> > to show values chosen for the parameter). Is this possible?
> >
> > I am able to do this when I add an all value to the drop down selection, but
> > that gives you a value of ALL and a value of Select All. I am certain that
> > this will confuse the end user.
> >
> > We need to be able to turn the Select All off.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > --
> > blesrptdev
> I don't believe that turning 'Select All' off is possible; however,
> you can either take a count of the options selected by the user and
> compare it to the total possible options in the query and return a
> separate field to the report showing that 'Select All' was selected.
> Or if you know that the total options will not exceed a certain
> quantity, you could use something like the following:
> =iif(Parameters!ParameterName.Count > 20, "Select All",
> "SomeDefaultText")
> Where 20, in this example, is the maximum number of options to select
> in the drop-down list box. Sorry I could not be of more assistance.
> Regards,
> Enrique Martinez
> Sr. SQL Server Developer

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