Sunday, February 19, 2012

Display output parameters from stored procedure


I have a report that uses a stored procedure. The stored procedure has 3 parameters 1 input and two output and also returns a resultset.

I have managed to hide the user prompt by changing the prompt for the two output parameters to an empty string.

The report runs fine and the user is not prompted for these two values, however the report does not show the values that are returned by these output parameters.

I could add extra fields to the resultset and not bother with the ouput parameters but this seems extremely inefficient as the resultset could contain several thousand rows and the fields would be the same for every single row.

Is it possible to display output paramater values?

Thanks In Advance



have you thought of redesigning your stored procedure?

split it into two sp's, one containg the resultset, the second containg your output parameters, which should be redefined as "normal" parameters and brought back as a resultset via select @.parm1, @.parm2.


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