Friday, February 24, 2012

Display Result in Page Header


I've got following problem: I got a formula evaluated whileprintingrecords in page footer. It writes in a global variable the highest number on the page. When I display this variable in page footer it works fine. But I want it to appear on the page header, too! When I display it in page header, it is the old value. Of course, because the variable is written on the end of page.

Is there a possibility to say the page header should be written AFTER the Page Footer? Or that the variable shall be displayed AFTER the page footer?
I tried the EvaluateAfter() function but it didn't work. It just writes the previous value on the top of following page.

I would be glad about some hints.

Greeting and thanks,
MarkusCongratulations, you've run into one of the most unpleasant "features" of Crystal Reports - inability to display running totals in group or page headers. In fact, there are workarounds for squeezing group-level running totals into group headers (by using external views or crosstabs), but for page-level totals, I think you are out of luck.

The reason is, as you correctly mentioned, that pages are formed and all running totals are calculated AND PRINTED during pass 2, but to put the running totals into headers, pass 3 would be required. There is, in fact, pass 3, but it will not calculate anything except page count.|||Thank you for your answer. Although it's not the one I wanted to hear... :-(

Perhaps there is a possibility to locate the field at an absolute position? So I can say: "Okay, you're evaluated in page footer, but displayed 2cm away from top of page"... But I think, this is not possible, too. I've seen that the position relates on section, therefore is no absolute one...

Sad, that CR is far behind freeware tools in this topic... Had one where you could set the evaluation and print time for each field...

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