Is there a way of showing which parameter values were chosen from a multi-value parameter list in RS 2005?
I want to show in the Report Header the parameters that have been chosen. There are "Count", "Value", "Label", "IsMultiValue" options in the expression builder for the parameter but no way of knowing which ones were selected?
Found the answer....from Robert....
Once you mark a paraeter as "multi-value", the .Value property will return an object[] with all selected values. If only one value is selected, it will be an object array of length = 1. Object arrays cannot be directly compared with Strings.
To access individual values of a multi value parameter you can use expressions like this:
boolean flag - tells if a parameter is defined as multi value
returns the number of values in the array
returns the first selected value
creates a space separated list of values
=Join(Parameters!MVP1.Value, ", ")
creates a comma separated list of values
=Split("a b c", " ")
to create a multi value object array from a string (this can be used e.g. for drillthrough parameters, subreports, or query parameters)
See also MSDN:
-- Robert
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