Friday, February 24, 2012

Display text in SQL reports

Good evening. This may be an easy question but I am using SMS Reporting
(which is SQL Reporting Services) to generate reports for inventory
collections, etc. I am not the greatest with SQL but is / how can I display
plain text in my reports? This text is descriptive / comment text and not
part of the SQL data itself.
Thanks in advance for any assistance,
UCGOn Jun 26, 4:53 pm, UnderCoverGuy
<> wrote:
> Good evening. This may be an easy question but I am using SMS Reporting
> (which is SQL Reporting Services) to generate reports for inventory
> collections, etc. I am not the greatest with SQL but is / how can I display
> plain text in my reports? This text is descriptive / comment text and not
> part of the SQL data itself.
> Thanks in advance for any assistance,
On the Layout view, in the toolbox, select a textbox control and add
it to the report and then click inside the textbox and enter the text.
Hope this helps.
Enrique Martinez
Sr. Software Consultant|||Thanks - but unfortunately it won't work for this situation. What I have to
do is directly edit SQL code / statements - no controls or GUI.
Any other thoughts anyway?
Thanks Enrique,
UCG|||On Jun 26, 8:06 pm, UnderCoverGuy
<> wrote:
> Thanks - but unfortunately it won't work for this situation. What I have to
> do is directly edit SQL code / statements - no controls or GUI.
> Any other thoughts anyway?
> Thanks Enrique,
Could you explain the situation in more detail? I'm not quite
following you.
Enrique Martinez
Sr. Software Consultant|||See below:
select distinct
v_GS_Computer_system.Name0 AS "PC Name"
, v_GS_Computer_system.UserName0 AS "User last logged on"
, v_gs_Operating_system.csdversion0 AS "SP Level"
, v_GS_Computer_system.manufacturer0 AS "Make"
, v_GS_Computer_system.model0 AS "Model"
, v_GS_x86_PC_memory.totalphysicalmemory0 AS "RAM Installed"
, v_gs_processor.maxclockspeed0 AS "CPU Speed"
, v_gs_disk.Size0 AS "Disk Size"
, v_R_System.Active0 AS "Active"
v_gs_operating_system.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
and v_gs_computer_system.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
and v_GS_x86_PC_memory.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
and v_GS_disk.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
and v_GS_processor.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
and v_GS_Operating_system.caption0 like '%Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro%'
and v_GS_video_controller.CurrentHorizontalResolution0 <> ""
and v_GS_x86_PC_memory.totalphysicalmemory0 > '512384'
and v_gs_processor.maxclockspeed0 > '1400'
and v_gs_disk.Size0 > '10000'
and v_R_System.Active0 = 1
Order by
This isn't the entire report but it should help you get the gist of what I
am trying to do. SMS Reporting (which is a SQL Reporting Services back-end)
is how this is being done (no GUI, no wizards, no controls, etc. but only a
SQL code editor). This report will gather info from the SQL db (such as HD
size, CPU speed, etc.) and display the systems where the criteria is met.
There is a header with the "entire" report that will explain what the data is
for. Now, I need to show more reports with different criteria (but from
within the same report). So, what I have done is copy this report (above)
and paste it at the end of what I have and change the criteria (where RAM <
512000, etc.) so that we see which systems meet different criteria - so that
we can install XP on it. Next, copy / paste the same report to the end of
what is already there and again, change the criteria (maybe HD size needs).
Basically, combining several reports into one. I could break these into
individual reports and link to each of them from the main report but I don't
know how to do that. I need to display a header (or comments) at the
beginning of each so that the reader of the report knows which section is
which. So, unless I can figure out how to "chain" reports, i.e.,
sub-reports, then what I need to do is try and display comments (like a
header - text for each report) along the way at the start of each section
(i.e., comment - "This section shows HD's needing to be upgraded / replaced",
comments like that).
Hope this helps explain it.
Thanks in advance,
UCG|||I think this may be helpful. You can simply select text and give it a
column header and include it in your query. Each row will then have the
text (I'm calling it group_text) and you can group on it and produce your
header row so that it's not repeated. See the following example:
select distinct
'This section shows HDs needing to be upgraded / replaced' AS group_text,
v_GS_Computer_system.Name0 AS "PC Name"
, v_GS_Computer_system.UserName0 AS "User last logged on"
, v_gs_Operating_system.csdversion0 AS "SP Level"
, v_GS_Computer_system.manufacturer0 AS "Make"
, v_GS_Computer_system.model0 AS "Model"
, v_GS_x86_PC_memory.totalphysicalmemory0 AS "RAM Installed"
, v_gs_processor.maxclockspeed0 AS "CPU Speed"
, v_gs_disk.Size0 AS "Disk Size"
, v_R_System.Active0 AS "Active"
v_gs_operating_system.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
and v_gs_computer_system.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
and v_GS_x86_PC_memory.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
and v_GS_disk.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
and v_GS_processor.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
and v_GS_Operating_system.caption0 like '%Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro%'
and v_GS_video_controller.CurrentHorizontalResolution0 <> ""
and v_GS_x86_PC_memory.totalphysicalmemory0 > '512384'
and v_gs_processor.maxclockspeed0 > '1400'
and v_gs_disk.Size0 > '10000'
and v_R_System.Active0 = 1
Order by
"UnderCoverGuy" <> wrote in message
> See below:
> ---
> select distinct
> v_GS_Computer_system.Name0 AS "PC Name"
> , v_GS_Computer_system.UserName0 AS "User last logged on"
> , v_gs_Operating_system.csdversion0 AS "SP Level"
> , v_GS_Computer_system.manufacturer0 AS "Make"
> , v_GS_Computer_system.model0 AS "Model"
> , v_GS_x86_PC_memory.totalphysicalmemory0 AS "RAM Installed"
> , v_gs_processor.maxclockspeed0 AS "CPU Speed"
> , v_gs_disk.Size0 AS "Disk Size"
> , v_R_System.Active0 AS "Active"
> from
> v_gs_computer_system,
> v_GS_x86_PC_memory,
> v_GS_processor,
> v_GS_video_controller,
> v_GS_Operating_system,
> v_GS_Network_Adapter_Configur,
> v_R_System,
> v_gs_disk
> v_gs_operating_system.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
> and v_gs_computer_system.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
> and v_GS_x86_PC_memory.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
> and v_GS_disk.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
> and v_GS_processor.resourceid = v_gs_computer_system.resourceid
> and v_GS_Operating_system.caption0 like '%Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro%'
> and v_GS_video_controller.CurrentHorizontalResolution0 <> ""
> and v_GS_x86_PC_memory.totalphysicalmemory0 > '512384'
> and v_gs_processor.maxclockspeed0 > '1400'
> and v_gs_disk.Size0 > '10000'
> and v_R_System.Active0 = 1
> Order by
> v_gs_computer_system.name0
> ---
> This isn't the entire report but it should help you get the gist of what I
> am trying to do. SMS Reporting (which is a SQL Reporting Services
> back-end)
> is how this is being done (no GUI, no wizards, no controls, etc. but only
> a
> SQL code editor). This report will gather info from the SQL db (such as
> HD
> size, CPU speed, etc.) and display the systems where the criteria is met.
> There is a header with the "entire" report that will explain what the data
> is
> for. Now, I need to show more reports with different criteria (but from
> within the same report). So, what I have done is copy this report (above)
> and paste it at the end of what I have and change the criteria (where RAM
> <
> 512000, etc.) so that we see which systems meet different criteria - so
> that
> we can install XP on it. Next, copy / paste the same report to the end of
> what is already there and again, change the criteria (maybe HD size
> needs).
> Basically, combining several reports into one. I could break these into
> individual reports and link to each of them from the main report but I
> don't
> know how to do that. I need to display a header (or comments) at the
> beginning of each so that the reader of the report knows which section is
> which. So, unless I can figure out how to "chain" reports, i.e.,
> sub-reports, then what I need to do is try and display comments (like a
> header - text for each report) along the way at the start of each section
> (i.e., comment - "This section shows HD's needing to be upgraded /
> replaced",
> comments like that).
> Hope this helps explain it.
> Thanks in advance,
>|||That was exactly what I needed. You response is MUCH appreciated.
Thanks again,

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