Friday, February 24, 2012

display short datetime


I need to set the default value of an "End Date" parameter to the date of today.
Now I use the expression =Now(), but then the timestamp is also displayed. That I don't want to happen!

I tried formatting the datetime but then it becomes a string, and converting it back to a date leaves also a timestamp but with midnight time.

Is there a way to format a date parameter?


Did you try : Format(mydate.Value,"dd/MM/yyyy") or Cdate(Format(mydate.Value,"dd/MM/yyyy").ToString) ?




Both expressions above don't work because my parameter is of the type datetime and the expressions return a string. So I get an error that the parameter has another type than it expected.

Still thanks for pointing me the CDate function. It has alot of functions and that's the function that got me the wanted result.

To display only the date part of a datetime value retrieved by the function Now() you need the following expression:

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